Post a vacancy on Lavoria

And find employees among those who want to work for you tomorrow
HoReCa. Video. CV. Verified. Profiles. Hospitality jobseekers.
HoReCa. Video. CV. Verified. Profiles. Hospitality jobseekers.

What employees are available at Lavoria

  • Accountant
  • Administrator
  • Animator
  • Barista
  • Barman, Barmaid
  • Beauty specialist
  • Butcher
  • Cashier
  • Casino staff
  • Chambermaid
  • Chef
  • Cleaner
  • Concierge
  • Cook
  • Cook assistant
  • Delivery
  • Driver
  • F&B Controller
  • Gardener
  • Guest relations
  • Host, Hostess
  • HR manager, recruiter
  • Kids animator
  • Kitchen cleaner
  • Lifeguard
  • Manager
  • Massage specialist
  • Pastry cook
  • Pool Boy
  • Porter
  • Receptionist
  • Reservations agent
  • Salesperson
  • Security guard
  • Sous-chef
  • Sport trainer
  • Storekeeper
  • Technician
  • Waiter, waitress
  • Other position

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We have more than 1000 candidates for the specialty Animator

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Trusted 3500+ companies
How it works
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Among those who want to work for you

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3544 companies are now looking for employees

Why post a job on Lavoria

A vacancy is an advertisement to find an employee. Select who is needed and choose the best among those who responded

  • There is an employee for any company in the HoReCa industry
  • 87 %
    Respond to those who are right for you 87% find employees through job postings
  • 95 %
    Candidates respond to 95% of vacancies Lavoria has the most active audience
See what employers say about us
E. Stylli
Accountant & HR Coordinator, Cyprus Airports F&B LTD
Our focus is to hire in the region. Lavoria allows us to focus on the job seekers who are located nearby. It is very practical and at the same time innovative recruitment tool. The process of sourcing candidates is more effective than from the previously used sources.
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L. Panayiotou
General Manager, Louis Hotels Plc Co Ltd
Hiring around 400 seasonal employees for our hotels in Cyprus and Greece is a challenge. The use of Lavoria platform substantially has been supporting this process since 2022 within our company. In particular, we have observed reduced candidates' sourcing time by 40%, recruiting costs by 60% and increased number of returning the seasonal candidates.
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H. Michailidou
Business owner, Hellens Cafe
I have been working in the F&B Industry for several years, and I can confidently say that Lavoria is a real gem for our industry. With their help, we have been able to significantly reduce the time spent on finding qualified staff. We gained access to a large database of candidates located near our cafes. This allowed us to find and attract talented professionals who perfectly fit our requirements.
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