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Hotels. Restaurants. Cafes. Hospitality. Hotels. Restaurants. Cafes. Hospitality.
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Employers' Preferred Feature! Profiles with video interviews are frequently prioritized, increasing the chances of being viewed and invited for final interviews. Don't hesitate; introduce yourself with a few words.

  • You have 1 minute better to make it short but more informative
  • Try to prepare your monologue before recording, you'll be more confident
  • Concentrate on your best skills
  • Don't be shy bring out your smile
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Send your interest to attract an employer's attention, reply to job offers, schedule a meeting, or exchange contactsβ€”all within the app's secured chat.

If the employer responds in their native language, no worries. Automatic translations are accessible for all incoming messages. Just specify the language you'd like the messages translated into.

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  • Complete quick profile questions
  • Specify your preferred job criteria
  • Optionally upload your CV
  • Conduct a video interview via your mobile camera, and enhance your visibility in employer search results

Maria, 28 Waiter

Yes, of course! I'll be ready.

HR Manager

That's great! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow

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See what job seekers say about us
Spyridon T.

The Lavoria app is easy to use and provides an opportunity for individuals interested in job opportunities in the tourism sector, primarily in hospitality, hotels, and entertainment. It allows you to create a profile, giving employers a first impression of you. You can create your CV, and even a video to introduce yourself to employers.

The app lets you search and choose professions in areas you find desirable. You can access information about vacancies, including salaries and additional benefits, along with their locations. Express your interest by initiating a conversation, which can be further developed through messaging or phone calls. It's a user-friendly, direct, fast, and functional application.

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Antonia N.

I had been looking for a job for quite some time. I wanted to work in Larnaca since I live here. Someone suggested trying the Lavoria app. It was easy to download the app and create my profile. I used filters to see only open positions in Larnaca for cleaners/housekeepers. I sent my application to some of those near my home. Employers contacted me, and I got a job.

I was in touch with the Lavoria representative who was extremely helpful.

I recommend using the Lavoria app, even for locals seeking employment, as there might be a vacant position near you.

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Dorin M.

With the use of Lavoria I found a job, quickly and easily. The app gave me a wide number of choices and I connected with the employers. I was offered the position of waiter in Paphos and within a couple of months, I even got promoted. Thank you Lavoria! Recommended to all job seekers interested in the hospitality sector.

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Konstatinos Ch.

Such an amazing and helpful application!Great supporting staff,analyzed job offers and easy to use! Lavoria I hope the best for the future!

Greta S.

My name is GrΓ©ta. I am from Hungary. I am satisfied with the job opportunities provided by Lavoria. I can use it easily and flexibly. It helps me to find a better job opportunity in the Famagusta area in Cyprus.

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