Tips of using LAVORIA APP

Tips of using LAVORIA  APP
     For some working in hospitality is a life-long career path. With an enormous number of possibilities and constant development, this industry may accommodate almost anyone. For others, it is an adventure, a channel to a new professional destination, and the possibility to travel and explore new places.
Regardless of your motivation for joining HoReCa industry you have already made the very important step on the way to finding the perfect employment placement.

     It's well known that the employers from the hospitality industry are constantly seeking new talents for employment.
The most optimal solution for finding suitable positions is provided by Lavoria - a mobile application specifically designed to support job seekers in HoReCa. Extremely user friendly and efficient tool that will connect you directly with the recruiters.

How it works?

1. Download Lavoria App free of charge from the App store/ Play store

2. Create your profile - pay attention to details and the exact information 

upload your CV or describe your experience and expectation in your profile

upload your picture ( select a suitable photo that represents you in the most professional way)
provide your contact details - recruiters may contact you by our in-app chat or via phone
β€œAbout”- state any information that you believe will be important employer to know. This can be a specific period of time when you are available or the number one position that you are looking for. This is also a great opportunity to clarify your legal of of employment if you are not an EU citizen.

Providing all the information is extremely important as every profile is being scored in respect of completeness. The most completed profiles get on the top of the list, so the opportunity got getting a job offer increases!

3. Select the occupations you are interested in - Limit your options to 3-5 positions if you are not specialized in one.

4. Record a video interview and upload it to your profile - This is one of the most favorite functions of the recruiters. You have the opportunity to make a 1 minute video where you can talk about yourself, your experience, languages, education and about what you are looking for. Find a quiet, bright space to make your recording to deliver the best result.

5. View the relevant vacancies - if you find a suitable one you may a) express your interest in it by pressing the bottom β€˜β€™interested” b) β€˜β€™start chat’’  to initiate conversation. Keep in mind to make the best impression you shall introduce yourself and ask for the further details.

On the other hand, you shall know that employers can find your profile in the candidates catalog and may initiate communication with you. In such a case, examine their offer and respond to it the soonest possible, show respect and if you are not interested at the moment in their offer kindly inform them about it, don't keep them waiting.

6. Use a Quick Boost option, press it to push your profile to the top making yourself more visible to the recruiters and in result be first to receive an invitation to join the recruitment process. The QuickBoost will keep you on the top for a period of 7 days. Use it as often as needed

7. Let us know about your preferences. Regardless if you are looking for a specific position in a specific area or you are flexible for employment with relocation, we may add you to our auto-apply function. This is a way to bring your profile to the attention of all the employers with an open working position matching your preferences. 

8. Active/ Inactive status of your profile  - adjust accordingly to your situation at the time.

What do you get?

All the relevant vacancies in one place
Direct communication with the employers
Possibility of a seasonal /permanent employment / Practical training

Need any other support? Let us know!